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Adjusting to a New Filling

adjusting to a new filling

Tips for Adjusting to a New Filling

You will need time adjusting to a new filling, as you will not be used to having it in your mouth. During the first few days, be careful about how you brush and eat, as the filling is new, so you want to make sure it settles and is solid in your tooth.


What You Need to Do After You Get a Filling

While adjusting to your new filling, be careful about eating on it for a couple days. Again, you want to give the composite material time to settle. After you have your filling for a certain length of time, you will not notice any type of discomfort, such as initial sensitivity. Try to avoid eating crunchy or hard foods, such as granola, celery, carrot sticks, or hard breads. Instead, make sure your diet consists of softer menu choices, such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies.


Taking Care of Your New Filling

In most cases, your dentist  will add a resin composite that matches the color of the teeth. He or she may also insert an onlay or inlay to fill a larger cavity. In either case, you will probably notice some sensitivity during the first couple days, which will subside with the use of an over-the-counter pain killer, such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or aspirin. If the filling feels “high,” you need to schedule an appointment to have the filling adjusted, so you will feel more comfortable while chewing and eating.


You will also need to be careful when brushing when you have a new filling. You should always use care when you brush your teeth, but, with a new filling, you need to be a little extra gentler during the first few days. Brush your teeth and floss to ensure that the area stays clean, but do so with extra care. Don’t eat or drink anything that could easily stain the new composite, such as coffee, tea, cola, or chocolate. Rinse your mouth and brush about 30 to 60 minutes afterward if you do consume any tooth-staining foods or beverages.


You will see that getting a filling can help in making you feel more confident about your future dental health. Our helpful and experienced dental team is always willing to answer any dental questions about any part of getting a filling. To schedule an appointment for a professional  exam, and x-rays, contact Holman Family Dentistry at  (479) 795-1101 or visit us on Facebook.



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