When it comes to oral health, parents and guardians are constantly reminding their children to brush their teeth and avoid sweets. But do they understand the underlying process of children’s teeth eruption and loss? Let’s learn together with Holman Family Dentistry!
How do children’s teeth erupt?
It’s important to understand that teeth don’t just appear out of nowhere. There is a scientific process involved in the emergence of teeth in children. For instance, the eruption of primary (baby) teeth occurs in stages and at a set age. According to the American Dental Association, the first set of primary teeth appears between 6 to 12 months and is typically completed at 3 years old.
Teeth eruption is the process by which teeth come out from their positions beneath the gums to protrude into the mouth. Teeth come in from front to back, typically appearing in pairs- two lower incisors followed by two upper incisors, and so on. Tooth eruption is different in each child, so parents need to keep track of their child’s development by monitoring the baby’s milestones.
Why do children’s teeth fall out?
Children’s primary teeth will eventually be replaced with permanent teeth, which are larger and more durable than primary teeth. Once a child’s mouth outgrows the small primary teeth, the permanent teeth replace them and can last for life if cared for properly.
Children’s teeth begin to fall out from age six, and this process will typically take until age 13. According to the American Dental Association, children can lose their teeth sooner or later than expected. This could be due to a number of factors, including heredity, tooth decay, dental injury or even some medical conditions.
As a tooth falls out, it’s critical to ensure the surrounding area remains healthy and clean. If the remaining teeth have cavities or are overcrowded, a visit to a pediatric dentist is recommended.
How can parents help?
Parents and guardians play an important role in keeping children’s teeth healthy. Encourage children to practice good oral hygiene by:
The emergence and loss of children’s teeth may seem like a simple process, but there’s a lot to learn about how it works. As parents, it’s crucial to keep track of your child’s dental development and encourage good oral hygiene habits. By doing so, you will ensure your child maintains healthy teeth and a beautiful smile for years to come. Visit Holman Family Dentistry for regular checkups and a chance to learn more about oral health for children.
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