Perfect for medical, dental, vision, brokerage, insurance type office
Intent is to find a lessee who will build out their own space, but we have an architect, engineer and construction crew that can make that easier, faster and more cost effective
Would consider building out space, with shorter amortization on the build out
With commitment, contractor has indicated they might stay on site to finish the space to your specifications
Prefer long term lease, with escalator clauses
Initially, we can lease for $16 to a substantial lessee verified by credit checks, references, commitment and contract
Common maintenance, taxes and insurance will be handled by CPT Holdings, LLC initially, but negotiable after initial lease term
Holman Family Dentistry plans to open on October 31, with an open house shortly thereafter
Below please find a site layout, that shows parking, etc.
Attached please find a photo, that will provide an idea of what your sign might look like
Will have a pedestal sign, at corner of Hwy 102 and Berkshire with both tenants names/logos, etc.
2014 study showed 21,000 to 25,000 car count per day