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Five Dental Anxiety Tactics That Help You Win
12/12/19 6:17 PM

Fearing the dentist is a natural reaction – more than 5 percent of Americans fear the dentist. While fear is normal, don’t let it keep you from your dental appointments. Your overall dental health depends on regular checkups and cleanings, as well as any necessary dental work. So what can

The Top Reasons to Love Dental Implants
12/2/19 5:53 PM

Missing teeth cause embarrassment as well as difficulty with chewing and talking. While there are many tooth replacement options, including dental implants, the rumors about dental implants cause many people hesitation. Keep reading to learn the top four reasons you should consider dental implants today. No One Will be Able

Caring For Dental Veneers: 5 Killer Ways to Pretty Smile
11/27/19 4:41 PM

Dental veneers help patients fall in love with their smile once again. Knowing the proper care they require can help you get the longest life out of your veneers. Many of our patients have the same veneers for as long as 10 years. Keep reading for the top five ways

How Straws Both Help and Hurt Your Dental Health
11/21/19 10:23 PM

Drinking your beverages through a straw may help prevent certain oral health issues, but don’t fall for the assumption that they are the answer to consuming unhealthy drinks. Using a straw the right way can be great for your oral health, but incorrect use can cause even more damage than


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