Your diet affects more than your waistline; it also affects your teeth. You already know that sugary foods can cause tooth decay, but there are other foods that you might not even think about that can be bad for your dental health. Any food that has the ability to get
Good oral health is essential for everyone, regardless of their age. As you begin to reach your senior years, however, it becomes an even more important issue. It is common for adults to allow oral health to get put on the back burner, especially when other medical issues begin to
It is no secret that an abscessed tooth causes pain, but are you aware of the importance of taking care of it right away? With many toothaches, patients tend to ignore the pain until it is unbearable, hoping that it will go away on its own. Unfortunately, with an
Parents often wonder when they should bring their child in to see the dentist for the first time. How are they going to react? Will they throw a fit? Will it traumatize them for the rest of their lives? The answer can vary depending on the child, but for the
This is a topic many people don’t think about. Whether you like it or not, your head and subsequently your mouth are connected to the rest of your body. Some may even say it’s the most important part of your body since it has that brain thing. So it stands
This is kind of a loaded question. Foods don’t actually cause cavities, although they can definitely help. The best way to prevent cavities is to keep your teeth clean. The biggest factor in causing cavities is how long the affecting agent is on the teeth. Usually this agent is sugar
There are some general rules out there about how often you should change your toothbrush, but in reality it can vary quite a bit from person to person. In my opinion, there are two major factors that should cause you to change your toothbrush. One of these is the brush
It’s easy to say that sugary drinks are bad for you, but many people can’t explain why these can be harmful to your teeth. The biggest problem with sugary drinks is their propensity to cause cavities. This word scares many people, but understanding a little more about what they are
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