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The Most Common Causes of Tooth Pain
06/19/19 9:02 PM

Tooth pain is not fun. Pain in our mouth can be debilitating and can make it difficult to go about our daily lives. Although some causes of tooth pain are more serious than others, it is important to find out what is causing your discomfort so that you can get

Fighting Bad Bacteria
01/10/19 8:03 PM

Did you know that your mouth is host to a number of different strains of bacteria? Bacteria are tiny living organisms that move, grow, eat, reproduce, and more. These bacteria function in an ecosystem within your mouth called the “human oral microbiome.” Bacteria make up a large part of this

Chewing: The Most Important Reason to Take Care of Your Teeth
11/30/16 7:25 PM

Proper oral health care is important for a variety of obvious reasons, but one of the most important is chewing. Chewing is more than a process that breaks your food into smaller pieces; it is the way to ensure that your food is properly digested and that your body reacts

Stop Smoking to Preserve your Oral Health
11/9/16 10:49 PM

You have likely heard the warnings about smoking and how it is bad for your physical health, but rarely do you hear about the dangers that it also poses to your oral health.  Dr. Holman would like to inform you of these dangers in order for you to understand what

Stop Smoking to Preserve your Oral Health
10/1/15 1:42 PM

You have likely heard the warnings about smoking and how it is bad for your physical health, but rarely do you hear about the dangers that it also poses to your oral health.  Dr. Holman would like to inform you of these dangers in order for you to understand what smoking


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