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Things to Remember with New Veneers

Did you recently get a set of veneers? If so, then congratulations on your new smile! We love helping people get veneers because of the instant confidence boost they get. Now, to make sure that gorgeous smile lasts, you have to make sure you are taking care of your veneers. They will last a very long time with proper care, but that means you need to be mindful of them and be gentle. If you can do that, you will likely get 10-15 years out of them before they need to be replaced.

Caring for New Veneers

First of all, you need to make sure you watch what you eat. Veneers are very thin and made out of porcelain in nearly all cases. Unfortunately, porcelain, while it mimics the natural tooth almost perfectly, can stain. If you drink a lot of beverages that would stain your natural teeth, or eat a lot of items with dark pigments, you could wind up with stained veneers, too. Avoid coffee, soda, tea, and wine in terms of beverages. Also, avoid curries, berries, and beets in terms of foods. This will help reduce the chances you have of staining your veneers.

Second, make sure you are gentle to your veneers. Do not go and open objects with your teeth, because if you put pressure on the veneers the wrong way, you can break them or dislodge them from your teeth. Neither of these would be ideal, so make sure you use your teeth the way they were meant to be used.

Finally, make sure you care for your entire mouth carefully to ensure that you do not have any problems like cavities or decay pop up in your mouth. Brush two times each day, rinse with mouthwash and floss at least one time each day, and come in to see us every six months. That way, you can be sure that your mouth stays as healthy as possible, which also helps your veneers.

Call Us at Holman Family Dentistry for More Information

Getting veneers can change your life. Do whatever you have to, to keep them for as long as possible. Care for them from the first day and see how many years of a beautiful smile you can get out of them. For more information on how to properly care for new veneers, give our office a call.

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