There are quite a few dental procedures that require your mouth to be numbed, and leaves you with a bit of swelling after the procedure is over. If you just had one, or are scheduled to come in and see us for one in the near future, then you want to make sure you are taking care of your mouth following the procedure. Taking a few extra steps can make a big difference on how much your mouth swells, and how long your mouth stays sore.
Reducing Swelling Following Any Procedure
The first thing you want to do is to make sure that you are taking any and all medications that Dr. Holman gave you or instructed you to take. This will help keep the pain down and that alone can decrease the severity of any swelling. Next, you want to make sure that you are using ice on your cheek or jaw surrounding the area that the procedure took place. You should have ice on it for about 15 minutes, then off of the area for about the same amount of time. Keep doing this for a few hours following the procedure.
You should also make sure that any time you lay down for the first 12-24 hours, you rest or sleep on an incline. This helps to reduce the blood rushing to the procedure spot, and keeps the swelling to a minimum. If you had an extraction, such as your wisdom teeth being pulled, then you should rinse with a warm salt water solution. You want the water warmer than room temperature, but by no means should it be hot. Plus, you want about one-half teaspoon of salt mixed into about 6-8 ounces of water. Rinse your mouth with this every few hours for the first 2-3 days to help the healing in your mouth, keep the swelling down, and keep the wound free from excess bacteria.
If you are having any trouble following a dental procedure we did, by all means, give us a call. We are always here to help or answer any questions that you may have. At Holman Family Dentistry, we will always go out of our way to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible, both during and after any dental procedure you need done. Call on us for help, any time, day or night.
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