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How your Oral Health and Physical Health are Related
04/6/16 7:10 PM

  Improper oral health can have detrimental effects on your heart and even your blood sugar levels. When gum disease goes undetected in your mouth, the buildup of plaque on your teeth can eventually enter your bloodstream, causing serious issues for your heart. In addition, if you have diabetes, it

You are Never too Old for Cavities
03/23/16 9:17 PM

  Tooth decay might be most commonly talked about among kids and teens, but that does not mean that it does not occur as you age. In fact, seniors are at a higher risk for tooth decay than any other age group. As you enter your golden years, it becomes

Foods High in Starch are Bad for your Teeth Too
03/10/16 6:06 PM

Candy and other foods with high sugar content are obviously bad for your teeth, but what many people do not realize is that starchy foods are just as bad for their teeth. The problem with these starchy foods, such as potato chips, pasta and bread is that the sugar content

How to Handle a Cracked Tooth
03/2/16 10:45 PM

An injury that results in a cracked tooth can be very traumatic, whether you are young or old. Knowing how to handle the situation before it occurs can help you keep calm during the minutes following the injury. Not every cracked tooth needs to be seen by a dentist immediately,

What the Dentist Looks at During a Dental Exam
02/24/16 10:47 PM

Semi-annual dental exams are crucial to not only your oral health, but your physical health too. The exam itself involves more than looking at the surface of your teeth; your gums, bite, tongue, cheeks, neck, lymph nodes and jaw joints will also be evaluated. Each of these areas plays a

02/10/16 8:41 PM

  Gingivitis is a word we all have heard when describing a problem with dental health.  We all nod with understanding when it’s mentioned, but how many really know what it is and what causes it.  Our dental practice is here to shed some much needed light on the subject

Concerned About Germs: Don’t Forget about the Mouth
12/9/15 10:32 PM

Many people are concerned about germs. When we constantly wash our hands, avoid places that are specifically known for an abundance of germs and continuously disinfecting our home, we could be missing one very large component of the germs in our lives – our mouth. There are more than 400

How Should you Deal with TMJ?
10/21/15 6:55 PM

If you suffer from TMJ, you could be suffering quite a bit. Some people find it difficult to chew certain foods, others wake up with an aching jaw from grinding their teeth all night and some hear a clicking noise when they open and close their jaw.  Regardless of the

Using a Straw Has Many Dental Benefits
10/7/15 8:00 AM

Do you use a straw for your drinks at home? Chances are that the answer is no. Just as you receive a straw with your drink in restaurants, you should get in the habit of doing the same thing at home. Believe it or not, drinking through a straw has

Stop Smoking to Preserve your Oral Health
10/1/15 1:42 PM

You have likely heard the warnings about smoking and how it is bad for your physical health, but rarely do you hear about the dangers that it also poses to your oral health.  Dr. Holman would like to inform you of these dangers in order for you to understand what smoking


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