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Antibiotics and Dentistry
01/13/16 5:55 PM

You know there is bacteria in your mouth.  Since you were a child, you were probably told how dirty a bite from someone could be, and that bacteria in your mouth causes plaque and plaque causes cavities and gum disease.  Bacteria in your mouth can cause a lot more than

Seniors and Chronic Dry Mouth Problems
12/30/15 5:25 AM

  Tooth decay is often mistakenly thought of as an ailment that only happens to children. In reality, everyone can experience it, even seniors. In fact, many seniors are at higher risk for tooth decay for one simple reason; a lack of saliva production. Saliva does not naturally begin to

How Should you Deal with TMJ?
10/21/15 6:55 PM

If you suffer from TMJ, you could be suffering quite a bit. Some people find it difficult to chew certain foods, others wake up with an aching jaw from grinding their teeth all night and some hear a clicking noise when they open and close their jaw.  Regardless of the

The Importance of Dental Care as you Age
08/19/15 7:51 PM

Good oral health is essential for everyone, regardless of their age. As you begin to reach your senior years, however, it becomes an even more important issue. It is common for adults to allow oral health to get put on the back burner, especially when other medical issues begin to

The Dangers of an Abscessed Tooth                                                                        
08/12/15 6:15 PM

  It is no secret that an abscessed tooth causes pain, but are you aware of the importance of taking care of it right away? With many toothaches, patients tend to ignore the pain until it is unbearable, hoping that it will go away on its own. Unfortunately, with an

Why Should I Replace Missing Teeth?
06/24/15 7:54 PM

A large portion of the population will lose at least one adult (permanent) tooth in their lifetime.  After this happens, a decision must be made.  Should I replace it or not?  This should almost always be a unanimous, yes. People lose teeth for two main reasons.  For the purposes of

How often should I change my toothbrush?
06/4/15 4:40 PM

There are some general rules out there about how often you should change your toothbrush, but in reality it can vary quite a bit from person to person.  In my opinion, there are two major factors that should cause you to change your toothbrush.  One of these is the brush

What do you like most about dentistry?
05/28/15 5:16 PM

I get this question all the time.  “Why did you ever think you wanted to be a dentist?  I hate the dentist.”  I usually answer, “Thank you?”  I’m still not sure why people say that to my face.  I’ll usually explain that I grew up having great dentists.  It was


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