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Caring for Toothbrushes
11/11/15 10:26 PM

  A large component of proper oral health care is taking good care of our toothbrush. If we neglect this important aspect of oral health care, we could be doing our teeth more harm than good. It is not difficult to care for our toothbrush, but its importance should be

Should you Get Dental Veneers?
11/4/15 3:51 PM

Cosmetic dentistry has greatly increased in popularity in recent years as people try to achieve a better smile. Your smile is a very important part of who you are as it can damage your self-esteem should you be embarrassed by the appearance of your teeth. One of the most minimally

How Should you Deal with TMJ?
10/21/15 6:55 PM

If you suffer from TMJ, you could be suffering quite a bit. Some people find it difficult to chew certain foods, others wake up with an aching jaw from grinding their teeth all night and some hear a clicking noise when they open and close their jaw.  Regardless of the

Using a Straw Has Many Dental Benefits
10/7/15 8:00 AM

Do you use a straw for your drinks at home? Chances are that the answer is no. Just as you receive a straw with your drink in restaurants, you should get in the habit of doing the same thing at home. Believe it or not, drinking through a straw has

Stop Smoking to Preserve your Oral Health
10/1/15 1:42 PM

You have likely heard the warnings about smoking and how it is bad for your physical health, but rarely do you hear about the dangers that it also poses to your oral health.  Dr. Holman would like to inform you of these dangers in order for you to understand what smoking

The Importance of Dentist Appointments when you Have Braces
09/23/15 7:23 PM

Proper Home Care The care that you give your teeth at home plays a vital role in the success of your braces treatment. Even though it might be difficult, it is recommended that you brush your teeth after every time that you eat. If you are truly unable to get

Why Professional Whitening is Best
09/16/15 6:45 PM

Your smile says a lot about you, whether you are meeting someone for the first time or the hundredth time. It is the first thing that many people see about you and the one aspect of your appearance that sets the tone for your personality and self-esteem. So it is no

How to Handle a Knocked Out Tooth
09/9/15 7:28 PM

Teeth get knocked out all of the  time, whether it is a child that fell down, a serious car accident or another type of accident, the immediate actions all need to be the same. The common factor in any type of accident that involves a knocked out tooth is speed.

How Changing your Snack Habits can Save your Dental Health
09/2/15 7:35 PM

Your diet affects more than your waistline; it also affects your teeth. You already know that sugary foods can cause tooth decay, but there are other foods that you might not even think about that can be bad for your dental health. Any food that has the ability to get

The Importance of Dental Care as you Age
08/19/15 7:51 PM

Good oral health is essential for everyone, regardless of their age. As you begin to reach your senior years, however, it becomes an even more important issue. It is common for adults to allow oral health to get put on the back burner, especially when other medical issues begin to


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