Proper oral health care is important for a variety of obvious reasons, but one of the most important is chewing. Chewing is more than a process that breaks your food into smaller pieces; it is the way to ensure that your food is properly digested and that your body reacts Read More >>
The days following tooth extraction are not as horrible as you might imagine. Yes, there is going to be some pain, but with a few simple home remedies, you should be able to keep the pain minimized and be able to carry on with life as normal. The good Read More >>
There are a lot of things to learn when you have children. New parents read up on many subjects such as the appropriate amount of time to breastfeed, when your child will start to walk and what’s the appropriate age for potty training. Dealing with a fussy baby is also Read More >>
Coffee and red wine are two favorite drinks of many adults. While they might taste great, they are not very easy on your teeth. Excessive or long-term consumption of either drink can equal unsightly stains on your teeth. Aside from giving up your favorite drinks altogether, there are a few Read More >>