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Reasons you Need Dental Cleanings with Implants
02/15/17 7:38 PM

A mistake many patients make that have had implants to replace missing teeth is slacking on their regular dental appointments. Many people think because the teeth are not real that there is no danger of decay or infection in their mouth, which means they do not need to keep coming

National Children’s Dental Health Month
02/9/17 4:18 PM

Click the picture to learn more!

What are Intrinsic Stains?
02/8/17 10:15 PM

Everybody’s teeth stain to one extent or another throughout their life. It is a fact of everyday living as well as a part of aging. Some stains are able to be fixed with over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, allowing you to perfect your pearly, white smile while others are not able

Help For A White Tongue
02/1/17 7:53 PM

Have you noticed your tongue looking whiter than usual? This is not an uncommon problem and is usually not something to be overly concerned about. Knowing what you are looking at and when you should be worried can be very helpful in situations like this. Of course, you can always

Who Should Avoid Sticky Foods?
01/25/17 6:22 PM

Sticky foods are never a good idea for anyone to eat as the residue of the foods stick to your enamel, putting you at risk for tooth decay. However, there are certain people that should avoid them at all costs for fear of ruining their dental health even further. Patients

What’s the Right Flossing Tool?
01/18/17 10:23 PM

A quick walk through the drug store and you will find that there are many different types of flossing tools. From regular floss to specially formulated floss and a whole multitude of picks and tools – how do you know what is right for you? The Technique Matters First and

3 Ways Taking care of your Oral Health Stops Illnesses
01/11/17 7:52 PM

The fall and winter season are upon us, which means a higher rate of illnesses. According to the CDC, the last few months of the year are considered “flu season.” This could mean a variety of things for you this year – some years there are new strains of the

Create New Tooth Brushing Habits this Winter
01/4/17 5:42 PM

Everyone is guilty at one time or another of skipping their tooth brushing habits. Whether you were too busy, too tired, or you just plain forgot, even just that one occurrence can have damaging effects on your oral health. This winter, before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season,

What Happens to Teeth that you Grind?
12/28/16 8:03 PM

Are you a teeth grinder? You might not even know that you are unless someone tells you how difficult it is to sleep next to you because of the awful noises coming from your mouth. Some people are aware of their habit because they wake up with a sore mouth

Removing Wisdom Teeth that Don’t Hurt
12/21/16 8:17 PM

Sometimes there are reasons to remove your wisdom teeth, even if they do not hurt. You might find that you come in for a checkup and it is recommended that your wisdom teeth be removed. You will probably wonder why, since you did not even know they were there –


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