This is a topic many people don’t think about. Whether you like it or not, your head and subsequently your mouth are connected to the rest of your body. Some may even say it’s the most important part of your body since it has that brain thing. So it stands
A large portion of the population will lose at least one adult (permanent) tooth in their lifetime. After this happens, a decision must be made. Should I replace it or not? This should almost always be a unanimous, yes. People lose teeth for two main reasons. For the purposes of
This is kind of a loaded question. Foods don’t actually cause cavities, although they can definitely help. The best way to prevent cavities is to keep your teeth clean. The biggest factor in causing cavities is how long the affecting agent is on the teeth. Usually this agent is sugar
There are some general rules out there about how often you should change your toothbrush, but in reality it can vary quite a bit from person to person. In my opinion, there are two major factors that should cause you to change your toothbrush. One of these is the brush
I get this question all the time. “Why did you ever think you wanted to be a dentist? I hate the dentist.” I usually answer, “Thank you?” I’m still not sure why people say that to my face. I’ll usually explain that I grew up having great dentists. It was
This one is easy. Yes! Ok, for all you non-believers out there here’s some cold hard facts. And no I don’t mean Beliebers, that’s another type of person entirely. I’m a Beliemer myself. Go Hogs. Anyway back to the facts. Now, I’m only going into the radiographs taken at your
If your teeth aren’t quite as white as you would like, you are not alone. Everyday several people come into the office asking about teeth whitening. The biggest questions are where do you start, what’s the best way, and is it safe? To answer the last question I like to
So you had an accident. You tripped on the sidewalk, took a big bite out of that jawbreaker, or attempted to be the hero at that party by opening a bottle with your teeth. Well, now you have a problem. You have this large chip on your front tooth. The
It’s easy to say that sugary drinks are bad for you, but many people can’t explain why these can be harmful to your teeth. The biggest problem with sugary drinks is their propensity to cause cavities. This word scares many people, but understanding a little more about what they are
Can I prevent stains from coffee/wine/other on my teeth? If so, how? You can prevent stains from coffee, wine, and some other foods to a certain extent. The number one thing you can do is make sure you keep your teeth clean. This is brushing and flossing two times
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