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The Trouble with Oral Piercings
06/29/16 6:40 AM

Oral piercings seem to be a trend that is not going anywhere anytime soon. Teens and even some adults find pleasure in piercing their tongue or cheek. While these accessories might look good, they pose a large number of dangers to a person’s oral health. If you have been unable

Restorative Dentistry – More than a Cosmetic Procedure
06/15/16 7:33 PM

Are you familiar with restorative dentistry? You may have even had a restorative procedure performed and just not realized that is what it was called. It is a practice that is receiving a lot of attention in recent years, but is often considered cosmetic, when it is so much more.

Recovery After a Tooth Extraction
06/1/16 5:54 PM

  The days following tooth extraction are not as horrible as you might imagine. Yes, there is going to be some pain, but with a few simple home remedies, you should be able to keep the pain minimized and be able to carry on with life as normal. The good

Do you Have a Dental Emergency Kit?
05/18/16 6:50 PM

Most everyone has a first aid kit handy, especially if they have kids or are very active, but do you have a dental emergency kit? You might not think that this is an important thing to have when everything is just fine, but one dental emergency is enough to scare

Simple Ways to Avoid Canker Sores
05/4/16 9:36 PM

No one really knows the reason we get canker sores, but we can all agree that they are painful! Some say that they are due to stress; while others say injury to the mouth is the culprit. While we do not have a concrete reason why some people are more

The Differences Between Porcelain Veneers and Crowns
04/13/16 7:11 PM

Porcelain veneers and dental crowns can restore many of the same issues with your teeth, so how do you know which one is right for you? Before you decide, it is important to learn the benefits of both and then weigh the options with us to help you decide the

Get Help for Bruxism
03/31/16 5:19 PM

If you wake up at night with a sore jaw or your partner tells you that you were grinding your teeth in the middle of the night, you likely suffer from bruxism. Grinding your teeth at night could be a telltale sign for many conditions and warrants a trip to

You are Never too Old for Cavities
03/23/16 9:17 PM

  Tooth decay might be most commonly talked about among kids and teens, but that does not mean that it does not occur as you age. In fact, seniors are at a higher risk for tooth decay than any other age group. As you enter your golden years, it becomes

Foods High in Starch are Bad for your Teeth Too
03/10/16 6:06 PM

Candy and other foods with high sugar content are obviously bad for your teeth, but what many people do not realize is that starchy foods are just as bad for their teeth. The problem with these starchy foods, such as potato chips, pasta and bread is that the sugar content

Caring For Your Child’s Teeth
02/17/16 9:10 PM

There are a lot of things to learn when you have children.  New parents read up on many subjects such as the appropriate amount of time to breastfeed, when your child will start to walk and what’s the appropriate age for potty training.  Dealing with a fussy baby is also


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