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How to Prevent Teeth Stains
04/16/15 7:22 PM

Can I prevent stains from coffee/wine/other on my teeth? If so, how?   You can prevent stains from coffee, wine, and some other foods to a certain extent.  The number one thing you can do is make sure you keep your teeth clean.  This is brushing and flossing two times

What are the Best Options for Straightening My Teeth as an Adult?
04/8/15 6:33 PM

Adult patients have a few different options for straightening their teeth.  Which one is better will vary on a case by case basis depending on how much tooth movement is necessary.  The best option for all patients to have the quickest movement and most control will be traditional metal braces. 

What Should I do if Someone in my Family has a Dental Emergency – Such as a Lost Tooth?
04/2/15 5:24 PM

Dr. Holman answers about what to do in a dental emergency: The first thing you should do with an avulsed (lost) permanent tooth is very lightly remove any visible debris from the tooth.  Don’t run the tooth under water or wipe it too vigorously.  The next step is try to place

Why is it important to keep my 6 month checkup?
03/25/15 9:09 PM

Dr. Holman answers why it is so important to keep your 6 month checkup: Patient’s should see their 6 month checkup as more than just a quick trip to have their teeth cleaned.  There are many parts to a recall appointment.  The first part of the exam is reviewing radiographs,

Who is a Candidate for Dentures?
03/18/15 4:07 PM

Dr. Holman answers some questions about dentures! Who is a candidate for dentures? Any edentulous (without teeth) patient is a candidate for dentures.  Also, patients with severe periodontal (gum) disease.  Patients with severe decay on the majority of their teeth are good candidates for partial dentures or complete dentures. I


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