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The Top Reasons to Love Dental Implants
12/2/19 5:53 PM

Missing teeth cause embarrassment as well as difficulty with chewing and talking. While there are many tooth replacement options, including dental implants, the rumors about dental implants cause many people hesitation. Keep reading to learn the top four reasons you should consider dental implants today. No One Will be Able

Caring For Dental Veneers: 5 Killer Ways to Pretty Smile
11/27/19 4:41 PM

Dental veneers help patients fall in love with their smile once again. Knowing the proper care they require can help you get the longest life out of your veneers. Many of our patients have the same veneers for as long as 10 years. Keep reading for the top five ways

How Straws Both Help and Hurt Your Dental Health
11/21/19 10:23 PM

Drinking your beverages through a straw may help prevent certain oral health issues, but don’t fall for the assumption that they are the answer to consuming unhealthy drinks. Using a straw the right way can be great for your oral health, but incorrect use can cause even more damage than

6 Signs that Your Gingivitis is Getting Worse
11/6/19 5:23 PM

Gingivitis is a common disease that is completely reversible during its early stages. Unfortunately, if you fail to take the right steps, the condition could worsen and lead to periodontitis, which is not reversible. There are several signs that may indicate that your gingivitis has gotten worse and you are

What Are the Alternatives to Traditional Braces for Adults?
10/24/19 4:35 PM

Just because you are an adult doesn’t mean that you’ve missed your opportunity at straightening your teeth. There are several options available to you, even if you want to avoid traditional braces. By learning more about them, you can make an informed decision about which option is right for you.

8 Reasons that You Should Invest in Dental Implants
10/16/19 9:41 PM

If you are interested in dental implants, you may have heard good things about these restorations. However, the benefits likely far exceed any rumors that you may have encountered. These are some of the wonderful reasons that you should make an investment in dental implants to combat your tooth loss.

5 Ways that Stress is Impacting Your Oral Health
10/3/19 3:06 PM

A little bit of stress in your life is a good thing, but too much stress can lead to a variety of health problems. This includes issues with your oral health. Read on to find out how your stress level might be affecting your mouth. Stress May Lead to Dry

How Much Toothpaste Do Kids Really Need?
09/25/19 9:29 PM

Every parent has gone through the battle of trying to get their child to brush their teeth properly. Some days the kids want to brush, while other days, they want to spit their toothpaste out and run the other direction. Thankfully, those phases typically pass quickly, and most kids really

How Even One Missing Tooth Can Lead to Major Oral Problems
09/19/19 5:20 PM

So, you have recently, or maybe not so recently, lost one of your teeth. It cracked on something, and broke in a way that was not salvageable. It should not be anything major you need to worry about, after all, it was just one tooth, right? Unfortunately, that is not

Dangerous Root Canal Myths That Could Harm Your Health
09/11/19 9:11 PM

If you have heard any of the common root canal myths going around, you may be prone to believe them. In which case, if you hear that you need one, you may shy away from it or worry needlessly about it. When you know the facts, it can make the


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