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Simple Ways to Avoid Canker Sores
05/4/16 9:36 PM

No one really knows the reason we get canker sores, but we can all agree that they are painful! Some say that they are due to stress; while others say injury to the mouth is the culprit. While we do not have a concrete reason why some people are more

The Importance of a Dental Baseline for your Child
04/27/16 7:21 PM

  If your child does not visit the dentist regularly, he does not have a baseline for the dentist to compare any changes that might occur in his mouth. This could prove to be detrimental to your child’s oral health, especially since a child’s mouth can change in a very

The Differences Between Porcelain Veneers and Crowns
04/13/16 7:11 PM

Porcelain veneers and dental crowns can restore many of the same issues with your teeth, so how do you know which one is right for you? Before you decide, it is important to learn the benefits of both and then weigh the options with us to help you decide the

How your Oral Health and Physical Health are Related
04/6/16 7:10 PM

  Improper oral health can have detrimental effects on your heart and even your blood sugar levels. When gum disease goes undetected in your mouth, the buildup of plaque on your teeth can eventually enter your bloodstream, causing serious issues for your heart. In addition, if you have diabetes, it

Get Help for Bruxism
03/31/16 5:19 PM

If you wake up at night with a sore jaw or your partner tells you that you were grinding your teeth in the middle of the night, you likely suffer from bruxism. Grinding your teeth at night could be a telltale sign for many conditions and warrants a trip to

Bad Breath
02/3/16 10:26 PM

  Ssshhhh. It’ a subject not normally talked about. Most people don’t want to mention it. We all have it at some point. Don’t think you have it? Think about “morning breath” as you turn to say good morning to your partner. Not a pleasant thought is it. Have you

Dental Health As You Age
01/27/16 7:07 PM

Aging comes along with many changes in your health.  As with other areas of your body, taking care of your teeth and gums become even more important.  There is a myth that when you become elderly, you will lose your teeth.  It is not a certainty at all.   As long

Preventative Dental Health Care: What’s the Big Deal?
11/25/15 5:00 AM

When we are one of the many people that only seek dental attention in the face of an emergency or chronic tooth pain, we are doing our mouths a disservice. Whether this is due to a true dental phobia, or you have a disregard for the importance of dental health

Chewing: The Most Important Reason to Take Care of Your Teeth
10/14/15 9:29 PM

Proper oral health care is important for a variety of obvious reasons, but one of the most important is chewing. Chewing is more than a process that breaks your food into smaller pieces; it is the way to ensure that your food is properly digested and that your body reacts


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