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IV Sedation for Dental Patients
10/23/20 1:53 PM

Benefits of IV Sedation Some people avoid seeing a dentist because they feel nervous about going through some of the treatments. However, if you are one of these people, you can erase any concerns, as IV sedation allows you to get the needed dental therapy without fear or stress. Today,

Chipped Teeth Restoration
10/16/20 3:15 PM

Restoration Options for Chipped Teeth When teeth become chipped, they can affect both our appearance and our bite. To overcome this dental dilemma, the extent of the damage needs to be examined and assessed to determine the best restoration option. The teeth restoration treatment option will depend on several criteria, including

What to Do if You Bit Your Tongue Really Badly
10/9/20 8:19 PM

There are all types of little accidents or daily happenstances that can cause injury. Oftentimes when it comes to dental health, specifically, we tend to think about issues like broken or cracked teeth, exposed nerves, broken jaws or other trauma to the teeth, gums or jaw. But the fact of

Why In-Office Whitening Trumps DIY Whitening Kits
04/27/20 3:37 PM

Everybody wants that picture perfect smile, or at least as close as they can get and for that to happen – white teeth are essential.  However, as time goes on your teeth lose that natural white appearance and begin to dull for all sorts of reasons.  Whatever the reason –

The Benefits of Gargling with Saltwater
04/20/20 1:50 PM

The Benefits of Gargling with Saltwater Saltwater gargles really are effective – even if you did hear about it from your grandma first.  Grandma might not have known about the science that backs it up, but there is indeed scientific proof that the saltwater gargle is effective.  Using saltwater creates

How to Manage Toothache Pain While Waiting to See Us
04/13/20 3:08 PM

How to Manage Toothache Pain While Waiting to See Us At some point in your life you will suffer from toothache pain and unfortunately you may have to wait to see us, if it is not a dental emergency. So, the question is always, what do we do for the pain

How to Teach a Young Child to Floss on Their Own
04/7/20 10:14 PM

How to Teach a Young Child to Floss on Their Own   Teaching children how to floss properly is something that everyone parent has to take seriously. This skill will become an important part of their daily oral health care routine. They must also understand just how beneficial it is

Ways of Keeping Teeth Healthy As We Enter Retirement
03/27/20 7:16 PM

In order for your teeth, gums, and oral cavity to remain healthy in your retirement years, you will need to give them some extra attention and care. Older patients tend to suffer higher rates of gum disease, mouth infections, tooth loss and decay, and oral cancer. However, you have significant

Reasons to Avoid Putting Products with Alcohol in Your Mouth
03/10/20 6:56 PM

Alcohol in any form, when put in your mouth, can be detrimental to your oral health, especially if entering your mouth more than twice a day. For example, rinsing with mouthwash containing ethanol – a colorless alcohol – may put you at a higher risk of oral cancer. Many prefer

Could You Need Grafts Before Getting Dental Implants?
03/4/20 4:13 PM

Getting dental implants involves replacing your tooth roots with metal posts, in order to anchor your new teeth into your jawbone. Implanted teeth are preferable to crowns or veneers for many patients, as they look and function like your natural teeth and are a welcomed alternative to bridgework or dentures,


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