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Adults Can Benefit from Dental Sealants, Too
02/26/20 6:45 PM

Dental sealants are of course typically thought of in relation to children and young adults. Sealants are invaluable in the ever-on-going fight with tooth decay. But, what about older types of patients – do the sealants work the same? Dental Sealant Basics The ADA says that dental sealants are one

Dangers of Not Getting a Toothache Checked Out
02/20/20 10:11 PM

Whether it’s an urgent dental emergency or minor temporary pain, a toothache is not a symptom you want to let linger. For any tooth pain lasting more than a couple of days, please contact our office immediately. With proper oral care habits, most patients only need an office visit twice

How to Pick Out the Perfect Toothpaste for Your Needs
02/11/20 8:08 PM

So many choices – whitening, tartar control, minty fresh – can make picking the perfect toothpaste for your needs a little overwhelming. However, the most important characteristic of your toothpaste is its effectiveness at fighting plaque and cavities with a form of dentifrice, such as paste, gel, or liquid. Next,

The Long-Term Effects of Stress on Your Oral Health
01/25/20 12:30 AM

We’ve all been told to avoid stress at one point or another, but usually, it’s in reference to our bodily health. However, stress can actually cause oral health problems. There are several ways stress can affect our oral health, so there is another reason to keep it in check. Since

How to Tell if You Grind Your Teeth at Night
01/17/20 5:20 PM

You may grind your teeth at night and not even know it. Unless your partner complains of the noise you make, you may not know until you come in for a dental exam. At Holman Family Dentistry, we want you to be able to recognize the signs of teeth grinding

Four Benefits You Didn’t Know About Composite Fillings
01/6/20 6:02 PM

Having a cavity today doesn’t automatically mean you need an obvious silver (amalgam) filling today. At Holman Family Dentistry, we offer our patients several filling options, including composite fillings. While not the right choice for every situation, composite fillings do have their benefits. A More Pleasing Cosmetic Appearance Composite fillings

The Ultimate Guide to Foods to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery
12/30/19 6:20 PM

Anytime you have oral surgery, taking care of yourself in recovery is crucial. A large part of recovery is keeping a proper diet, especially after dental implant surgery. A proper diet helps your mouth heal and helps you avoid digestive issues while you recover. Knowing what you can eat and

How to End Bad Breath
12/23/19 5:22 PM

More than half of Americans today suffer from bad breath, according to the American Dental Association. Even if you don’t regularly eat garlic and onions (the most common offenders), you may still suffer from bad breath. Luckily, simple techniques can help you eliminate it. Keep up Your Dental Hygiene Brushing

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Fluoride Treatment
12/17/19 5:24 PM

You can get fluoride in your drinking water, toothpaste, and mouth rinse, but nothing compares to the professional fluoride treatment offered in our dental office. This quick treatment provides many oral health benefits. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay. Topical fluoride helps strengthen your tooth’s enamel, reducing the risk of cavities.

Five Dental Anxiety Tactics That Help You Win
12/12/19 6:17 PM

Fearing the dentist is a natural reaction – more than 5 percent of Americans fear the dentist. While fear is normal, don’t let it keep you from your dental appointments. Your overall dental health depends on regular checkups and cleanings, as well as any necessary dental work. So what can


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