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Foods to Eat or Avoid This Summer
05/23/18 6:58 PM

With summertime quickly approaching, you are likely planning out the best foods to enjoy this year. Some of the foods that show up regularly during the summertime are great for your smile. However, other foods can do a number on your teeth. If you want to have a great looking

Fun Ways of Staying Hydrated This Summer
05/17/18 5:16 PM

Your entire body needs you to remain hydrated, no matter how warm spring and summer months become. However, it can be a bit boring when all you drink is water all the time. While water is great for your body, and especially your teeth, it also lacks one important component

Taking Care of Your Teeth for a Lifetime Means Starting As Young As Possible
05/9/18 9:39 PM

Here at Holman Family Dentistry, we believe in what we call Continuing Care. This is the process of starting with patient education as young as possible, and continuing it on for years to come. This allows you to set a great foundation for a healthy smile, and keeps you educated on

Foods to Have on Hand for Dental Surgery Recovery
05/2/18 6:04 PM

After having dental surgery, you are going to take a bit of time to heal. During your recovery, you are going to be kept on a strict diet that doesn’t include hard foods, as chewing on those foods could cause damage, and cause improper healing. Here are some of the best

Disadvantages of Using Traditional Dentures Instead of Implants
04/25/18 6:44 PM

When you have lost a significant portion of your teeth, or all of them, it is important that you get something to restore function to your mouth. This can be denture, or better yet, dental implants. Some people believe that dentures are the natural progression when teeth are missing. However,

Would a Water Flosser Help Your Teeth Remain Healthier?
04/18/18 9:53 PM

A lot of people struggle with flossing their teeth. They either don’t do it often enough, or they don’t do it well enough to give their mouth the benefits that come with flossing. If you are one who struggles with flossing, you may want to consider a water flosser instead.

Would Brushing Be Easier and More Fun if You Had a Better Toothpaste Flavor?
04/12/18 1:48 PM

When you brush your teeth, you likely reach for the tube of mint-flavored toothpaste and go at it. Some of you may even vary the flavor slightly and opt for cinnamon. These are great flavors when you want to freshen your breath. However, they can get a bit boring. Would

The Four Worst Drinks for Your Teeth
04/4/18 7:25 PM

There are plenty of items that we know are bad for teeth. Between sugars, candies, and smoking, we can do a lot of damage to our teeth each day. However, it isn’t just items we eat or bad habits that can damage our teeth. What we drink can do a

What Repair Options Do You Have for a Chipped Veneer?
03/28/18 9:32 PM

What can you do if you have chipped your veneer?  Are you required to simply replace the whole thing, or do you have other options?  At Holman Family Dentistry, we are here for all your dental needs, including repairing or replacing damaged veneers. Many Veneers Can Be Repaired As with the

Keeping Your Toothbrush Sanitized is Imperative to Good Oral Health
03/21/18 6:54 PM

Your toothbrush is the foundation of tooth care.  It removes tartar and germs to keep your smile beautiful and your teeth healthy. It is imperative to practice toothbrush care in order to promote the proper oral hygiene. You should replace toothbrushes approximately every 3–4 months or when the bristles become


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