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How to Teach a Young Child to Floss on Their Own
04/7/20 10:14 PM

How to Teach a Young Child to Floss on Their Own   Teaching children how to floss properly is something that everyone parent has to take seriously. This skill will become an important part of their daily oral health care routine. They must also understand just how beneficial it is

A Guide for Childhood Dental Hygiene
05/9/19 5:27 PM

When it comes to dental hygiene, it is never too early to start training your children in proper oral health habits. From the time their first tooth emerges, you have an opportunity to begin developing proper tooth care that they will eventually (hopefully!) take over on their own for a

The Benefits of Smiling
03/6/19 5:52 PM

At Holman Family Dentistry, we consider it a great privilege to partner with you in the protection and care of your smile. Your smile is a powerful element of who you are. Did you know that smiling can benefit your life in a number of ways? Here are the top ways

Fighting Halitosis
10/3/18 8:03 PM

Halitosis, or bad breath, is a troubling condition that affects 25% of the population. Although bad oral hygiene certainly has a significant impact on the severity of halitosis, it is not always the main cause. Even those with good oral hygiene habits struggle with bad breath. Although there can be

Routine Dental Cleaning 101
09/19/18 5:15 PM

Even with a consistent at-home oral health regimen, it is important for your long term dental health that you visit us for a hygiene appointment every six months for a maintenance cleaning and checkup. Visiting the dentist office can emit feelings of stress and anxiety for many people, for fear

Fun Ways of Staying Hydrated This Summer
05/17/18 5:16 PM

Your entire body needs you to remain hydrated, no matter how warm spring and summer months become. However, it can be a bit boring when all you drink is water all the time. While water is great for your body, and especially your teeth, it also lacks one important component

Would a Water Flosser Help Your Teeth Remain Healthier?
04/18/18 9:53 PM

A lot of people struggle with flossing their teeth. They either don’t do it often enough, or they don’t do it well enough to give their mouth the benefits that come with flossing. If you are one who struggles with flossing, you may want to consider a water flosser instead.

The Four Worst Drinks for Your Teeth
04/4/18 7:25 PM

There are plenty of items that we know are bad for teeth. Between sugars, candies, and smoking, we can do a lot of damage to our teeth each day. However, it isn’t just items we eat or bad habits that can damage our teeth. What we drink can do a

The Oral Health Benefits of Using the Same Dentist for a Lifetime
03/14/18 6:22 PM

In our society today, change is one of the few constants.  Whether it’s changing jobs, moving into a new home, or changing the circles of friends we associate with, it seems like we change everything around us just as often as not.  Yet, there are some advantages to keeping things

How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Life
03/1/18 3:06 PM

Dental implants are becoming the new standard in tooth replacement because they feel, fit, and function like natural teeth. They offer a long-term solution for people with tooth loss or chronic dental problems. The dental implants are artificial roots that give a permanent base for replacement teeth so they stay


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