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Blog Archives

The Confidence Boost That Comes with Cosmetic Dentistry
02/21/18 10:29 PM

Do you stand in front of the mirror and practice a smile that looks natural, yet hides your teeth?  Do you prefer to avoid bright lights for fear that they will illumine flaws in your teeth?  Do you wish that you had teeth that were whiter, straighter, or otherwise cosmetically

Is Baking Soda Toothpaste the Right Kind for You?
02/7/18 9:46 PM

Choosing the right toothpaste can be difficult these days. One option that has become popular over the past few years is toothpaste containing baking soda. Some people prefer a healthier natural alternative to toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste has been linked to strengthening enamel, but some people prefer to

Porcelain Veneers Can Improve Your Smile, But Is Caring for Them Unique?
02/2/18 6:47 PM

Caring for porcelain veneers properly is what is going to help them last. When you get veneers put on by Dr. Holman, we make sure to tell you how to care for them so they can last as long as possible. With proper care, you may not need to replace

The Advantages You Can Get from Getting Dental Implants
01/24/18 9:24 PM

For many years, dentures and bridges were the only options for people who had missing teeth. They would often move, were typically uncomfortable, and at first, didn’t even really match the rest of your mouth. Thankfully, today there is another option that negates all of those old problems. Today you

Are You Changing Your Toothbrush Often Enough?
11/29/17 7:38 PM

For some people, changing their toothbrush is something that just falls to the bottom of their list of priorities. However, this can cause problems in your mouth if you are not flipping it out often enough. Some people only need to replace their toothbrush about every three months and not

What Happens When You Have Chipped Veneers
11/8/17 10:45 PM

Dental veneers are a wonderful way of transforming your smile and fixing damaged, gapped, discolored, or crooked teeth.  Unfortunately, sometimes a dental veneer—much like the tooth that it is covering—can be damaged or chipped due to the rigors of biting and chewing.  When this happens, we are here to help

Foods to Eat This Fall to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
10/12/17 4:22 PM

Your teeth are a crucial part of your digestive system; without them, your body would be unable to extract all the necessary nutrients it needs from the food you eat.  As such, it’s important that you do everything you can to take care of them.  Of course, brushing and flossing

How We Diagnose Issues in Your Mouth
09/27/17 5:42 PM

If you are suffering from pain in your tooth or gum, the cause may not always be as readily apparent as you may think.  At Holman Family Dentistry, we perform a thorough inspection to determine what may be causing any pain—or, what condition may be present that has not yet caused

What Goes On When You Have an Oral Cancer Screening?
09/20/17 9:02 PM

The term ‘oral screening’ refers to the act of looking for oral cancer before a patient shows any noticeable symptoms. Finding cancer during the early stages makes treatment easier and more effective and thus oral cancer screenings are a very important part of your oral hygiene. Scientists are still trying

Things to Do During Pregnancy to Help Your Child’s Oral Development
09/13/17 5:59 PM

When you are pregnant it seems as though everyone has some sort of advice to share with you. What to eat or not to eat, how to prevent stretch marks, how to ward of morning sickness – you name it and someone probably has advice on how to deal with


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