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Caring for Baby’s Teeth Proactively
03/15/17 7:23 PM

It is not uncommon for first-time parents to wonder when they should start brushing their baby’s teeth (or tooth!).  While regular brushing is an extremely important habit to get started young, there are many other factors to take into consideration concerning your child’s oral health. Let’s take a look at

Add These 10 Foods to Your Diet for Better Dental Health
03/1/17 7:29 PM

Food is almost always to blame for the problems that affect our teeth. Too much sugar, too many starches, and heavy grains pull minerals from the body that are vital to dental health without replacing them, and sugars are largely responsible for the plaque that builds up on teeth and

What is Periodontal Flap Surgery?
02/22/17 10:11 PM

Gum disease is a very serious issue that can wreak the health of your mouth over time. If it is not properly cared for, you could eventually experience gum recession, bone and tooth loss. In order to prevent this, we have several procedures in place in order to fight the

What Happens to Teeth that you Grind?
12/28/16 8:03 PM

Are you a teeth grinder? You might not even know that you are unless someone tells you how difficult it is to sleep next to you because of the awful noises coming from your mouth. Some people are aware of their habit because they wake up with a sore mouth

Removing Wisdom Teeth that Don’t Hurt
12/21/16 8:17 PM

Sometimes there are reasons to remove your wisdom teeth, even if they do not hurt. You might find that you come in for a checkup and it is recommended that your wisdom teeth be removed. You will probably wonder why, since you did not even know they were there –

Using a Straw Has Many Dental Benefits
12/7/16 5:42 PM

Do you use a straw for your drinks at home? Chances are that the answer is no. Just as you receive a straw with your drink in restaurants, you should get in the habit of doing the same thing at home. Believe it or not, drinking through a straw has

The Importance of Dentist Appointments when you Have Braces
10/26/16 6:24 PM

If you or your teen have braces, chances are it is to obtain that perfect smile that is constantly sought after by many. But if you do not practice good oral hygiene while you have those braces, your teeth might be straight, but they could have a less than pleasing

These Bad Habits could be Ruining your Oral Health
09/7/16 9:15 PM

Life seems to get busier and busier every year that passes. With that craziness comes new habits or trends. Oftentimes, these trends are damaging to your oral health, but because of the convenience or excitement of it, you neglect to see the damage that is occurring. Coming face to face

Simple Ways to Whiten your Teeth at Home
08/31/16 7:05 PM

Getting a bright, white smile does not always mean going through the whitening process. While we can help you with professional teeth whitening, there are ways that you can enhance your smile at home without any products. This method simply requires you to eat a diet that is appropriate to

Caring for Your Teeth During Pregnancy
07/20/16 8:05 PM

 During your pregnancy, you likely take good care of your body, ensuring that you are eating, sleeping, and exercising the right amount to keep you and your baby healthy. One area that many expectant mothers overlook, however, is the need to care for their teeth. Your mouth plays a vital


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