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What to Expect When You Haven’t Seen a Dentist in Years
04/26/17 6:17 PM

You know that you’re supposed to visit the dentist twice a year. You need a cleaning badly, the fillings you got when you were sixteen are all loose, and you know that a tooth whitening treatment is not a bad idea at all. But when life just takes over, you

5 Causes of Tooth Pain and How to Tell Which is Affecting You
04/12/17 4:35 PM

If you’ve ever experienced any kind of tooth pain, then you know just how sensitive the nerves tucked inside them can be. Tooth pain can indicate a number of different dental problems, and the type and severity of pain that you are experiencing may be able to help you determine

Braces for Adults: Having Your Teeth Straightened Before Restoration
04/5/17 7:10 PM

It can take a lot of courage to make the decision to have your teeth restored, especially if that decision has been long overdue. But hold your horses for a moment – you may need to have your teeth straightened before undergoing any major restorative dental work. Whether you need

Caring for Baby’s Teeth Proactively
03/15/17 7:23 PM

It is not uncommon for first-time parents to wonder when they should start brushing their baby’s teeth (or tooth!).  While regular brushing is an extremely important habit to get started young, there are many other factors to take into consideration concerning your child’s oral health. Let’s take a look at

Help for Impacted Teeth
03/8/17 9:40 PM

For those lucky enough to have enough room for their wisdom teeth to come in, impacted teeth will never be a problem. For a large number of us, however, it is fairly common for wisdom teeth to become impacted when there isn’t quite enough room in the mouth for them

Add These 10 Foods to Your Diet for Better Dental Health
03/1/17 7:29 PM

Food is almost always to blame for the problems that affect our teeth. Too much sugar, too many starches, and heavy grains pull minerals from the body that are vital to dental health without replacing them, and sugars are largely responsible for the plaque that builds up on teeth and

What is Periodontal Flap Surgery?
02/22/17 10:11 PM

Gum disease is a very serious issue that can wreak the health of your mouth over time. If it is not properly cared for, you could eventually experience gum recession, bone and tooth loss. In order to prevent this, we have several procedures in place in order to fight the

Reasons you Need Dental Cleanings with Implants
02/15/17 7:38 PM

A mistake many patients make that have had implants to replace missing teeth is slacking on their regular dental appointments. Many people think because the teeth are not real that there is no danger of decay or infection in their mouth, which means they do not need to keep coming

3 Ways Taking care of your Oral Health Stops Illnesses
01/11/17 7:52 PM

The fall and winter season are upon us, which means a higher rate of illnesses. According to the CDC, the last few months of the year are considered “flu season.” This could mean a variety of things for you this year – some years there are new strains of the

Create New Tooth Brushing Habits this Winter
01/4/17 5:42 PM

Everyone is guilty at one time or another of skipping their tooth brushing habits. Whether you were too busy, too tired, or you just plain forgot, even just that one occurrence can have damaging effects on your oral health. This winter, before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season,


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