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Are Dental Cleanings Essential? Let’s Find Out
05/19/23 4:29 PM

We all know regular dentist visits are vital for maintaining oral health. Your teeth can withstand decay and damage better if you follow a thorough oral hygiene regimen. But is it sufficient? For optimal dental health, brushing and flossing should be done frequently. However, they are ineffective against hard-to-remove tartar

Why Should You Educate Your Child About Good Dental Health
05/12/23 8:10 PM

Teachings should dental health should be conveyed to children as soon as they get eight to nine months. As they become more attentive and carefully observe things happening around them, being the right role model for them at this point can be a game-changer. Especially when it comes to their

A Checklist for Your Next Dental Visit
05/12/23 6:44 PM

Welcome to Holman Family Dentistry! As your dental team, we want to help you stay on top of your oral health with regular visits. We have created this helpful checklist to ensure your next dental visit is as efficient and stress-free as possible. 1. Make your appointment: Make sure you

3 Secrets to Make Flossing Simpler
05/9/23 6:54 PM

When it comes to oral hygiene, nothing is more important than flossing. This daily ritual of removing plaque and food particles from between the teeth can seem tedious and difficult to manage, especially for those who have never established a good flossing routine. At Holman Family Dentistry we want to

How Can You Tell If You Have a Cavity
05/9/23 6:02 PM

A cavity can be a daunting thought. When a cavity first develops, the only warning you may have is a little bit of tooth sensitivity or discoloration in a particular spot. To make matters worse, if the cavity is not taken care of right away it can get worse. At

Facts About Dental Implant Recovery Process
08/6/21 8:57 PM

Facts About Dental Implant Recovery Process Dental implant procedures are an excellent investment. Mainly because our teeth play some vital roles in our daily lives, the two most important being chewing and smiling. While this procedure is invasive, it isn’t excessively dangerous. However, the recovery time for this procedure may

Tips to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
08/2/21 8:13 PM

Tips to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Brushing twice a day may seem a lot of effort to some, let alone adopting a healthy oral hygiene routine. However, if you find the balance to do what works best for you, it’s relatively easy to bring such changes into your daily practice.

Considering Dental Bonding for Your Dental Imperfections? 
07/23/21 6:59 PM

Should You Consider Dental Bonding for Your Dental Imperfections? During dental bonding procedures, the dentist uses a special plastic material that resembles a real tooth. The material used is usually soft when applied then hardens under a certain light. Dental bonding is used to repair cracked teeth, chipped teeth, and

Electric Toothbrush or Traditional Toothbrush?
07/9/21 4:02 PM

Should You Use an Electric Toothbrush or Keep Using Your Traditional One? Healthy teeth promote physical, emotional, and mental health. Human beings have been brushing their teeth since 3000 B.C. In those early years, man used crude brushes made of twigs and tree branches. Thankfully, the toothbrush has evolved through

Brushing Teeth Doesn’t Have to be Boring
07/2/21 2:36 PM

Brushing Teeth Doesn’t Have to be Boring! Our choice of toothpaste is driven by different reasons. Some people will use a certain toothpaste due to dental problems, such as tooth sensitivity, discolored teeth, and bleeding gums. Toothpaste manufacturers have come up with different toothpastes to meet their customers’ demand for


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