Do you use a straw for your drinks at home? Chances are that the answer is no. Just as you receive a straw with your drink in restaurants, you should get in the habit of doing the same thing at home. Believe it or not, drinking through a straw has
Cosmetic dentistry has greatly increased in popularity in recent years as people try to achieve a better smile. Your smile is a very important part of who you are as it can damage your self-esteem should you be embarrassed by the appearance of your teeth. One of the most minimally
You have likely heard the warnings about smoking and how it is bad for your physical health, but rarely do you hear about the dangers that it also poses to your oral health. Dr. Holman would like to inform you of these dangers in order for you to understand what
If you or your teen have braces, chances are it is to obtain that perfect smile that is constantly sought after by many. But if you do not practice good oral hygiene while you have those braces, your teeth might be straight, but they could have a less than pleasing
Has there ever been a time that you hesitated coming to the dentist because you didn’t have insurance or the money to cover something simple like a cleaning or x-rays? Thanks to the new membership plan here at Holman Family Dentistry, that is a thing of the past. Dr. Holman
Crooked teeth are more than a cosmetic issue; they can affect the status of your oral health too. The next time you think you are vain for wanting straight teeth, consider it a gift for your oral health. With straight teeth, you are able to have cleaner teeth which means
How you look and feel is more dependent on your oral health than you might anticipate. If you are in constant pain, have disease, decay, or cancer, your entire wellbeing is affected. You could lose teeth, lose the structure of your mouth, feel ill, and suffer from subsequent illnesses as
Sometimes decay or trauma can cause your tooth to become so damaged that you may need some support in order to keep your natural roots. That support comes in the form of a dental crown. The traditional crowns take two appointments to complete. The first appointment is when your tooth
No one wants to think about dental emergencies, but being prepared is half of the battle. Understanding how to handle the situation and how much time you have is the only way to ensure that your situation has a positive outcome, which means trying to save the natural tooth. Stay
Many patients wonder what type of toothbrush they should be using. With the onslaught of advertisements for a large variety of toothbrushes that promise you perfect oral health, including electric toothbrushes, it can be confusing to decide which one is right for you. The Honest Truth The only way to
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