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Best Ways to Maintain the Bright White of Fresh Tooth Whitening
07/24/19 8:09 PM

When you recently had your teeth whitened, it is a great look. Your teeth shine and you want to show off your smile to the world – as you should. In order to keep that look, you need to make sure that you carefully consider what items to have as

How to Combat Tooth Staining
01/24/19 10:17 PM

We all know that the regular consumption of coffee, tea and sodas can have a detrimental effect upon the whiteness of our teeth, but often that does not deter us from partaking! There is good news, however! There are ways to minimize the effect upon our teeth without giving up

Would a Water Flosser Help Your Teeth Remain Healthier?
04/18/18 9:53 PM

A lot of people struggle with flossing their teeth. They either don’t do it often enough, or they don’t do it well enough to give their mouth the benefits that come with flossing. If you are one who struggles with flossing, you may want to consider a water flosser instead.

The Four Worst Drinks for Your Teeth
04/4/18 7:25 PM

There are plenty of items that we know are bad for teeth. Between sugars, candies, and smoking, we can do a lot of damage to our teeth each day. However, it isn’t just items we eat or bad habits that can damage our teeth. What we drink can do a

How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Life
03/1/18 3:06 PM

Dental implants are becoming the new standard in tooth replacement because they feel, fit, and function like natural teeth. They offer a long-term solution for people with tooth loss or chronic dental problems. The dental implants are artificial roots that give a permanent base for replacement teeth so they stay

Foods to Eat This Fall to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
10/12/17 4:22 PM

Your teeth are a crucial part of your digestive system; without them, your body would be unable to extract all the necessary nutrients it needs from the food you eat.  As such, it’s important that you do everything you can to take care of them.  Of course, brushing and flossing

The Benefits of Dental Implants
07/5/17 8:57 PM

There are many reasons that one should consider getting dental implants. They can help if you are suffering from just a single missing tooth, or if you don’t have any of your natural teeth left. Not only would you be able to eat the foods you may be missing out

Avoiding Certain Foods Can Spare Your Pearly Whites
05/17/17 9:13 PM

Summer is right around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about some delicious foods to include on summer menus. However, not all of those foods are the best idea for those who are trying to optimize their pretty white teeth. If you have plans to eat some of

Is Baking Soda Toothpaste the Right Kind for You?
03/22/17 9:29 PM

Choosing the right toothpaste can be difficult these days. One option that has become popular over the past few years is toothpaste containing baking soda. Some people prefer a healthier natural alternative to toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste has been linked to strengthening enamel, but some people prefer to

Caring for Baby’s Teeth Proactively
03/15/17 7:23 PM

It is not uncommon for first-time parents to wonder when they should start brushing their baby’s teeth (or tooth!).  While regular brushing is an extremely important habit to get started young, there are many other factors to take into consideration concerning your child’s oral health. Let’s take a look at


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