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A Crown in a Day – Is it Possible?
07/27/16 8:32 PM

Sometimes decay or trauma can cause your tooth to become so damaged that you may need some support in order to keep your natural roots. That support comes in the form of a dental crown. The traditional crowns take two appointments to complete. The first appointment is when your tooth

Dealing with a Knocked out Tooth
07/13/16 5:13 PM

No one wants to think about dental emergencies, but being prepared is half of the battle. Understanding how to handle the situation and how much time you have is the only way to ensure that your situation has a positive outcome, which means trying to save the natural tooth. Stay

Restorative Dentistry – More than a Cosmetic Procedure
06/15/16 7:33 PM

Are you familiar with restorative dentistry? You may have even had a restorative procedure performed and just not realized that is what it was called. It is a practice that is receiving a lot of attention in recent years, but is often considered cosmetic, when it is so much more.

Recovery After a Tooth Extraction
06/1/16 5:54 PM

  The days following tooth extraction are not as horrible as you might imagine. Yes, there is going to be some pain, but with a few simple home remedies, you should be able to keep the pain minimized and be able to carry on with life as normal. The good

How to Eat Fruit and Manage your Oral Health
05/25/16 5:49 PM

  Fruit is good for you; there is no doubt about it. It is good for your physical and oral health in many ways. The problem is that if you eat too much of certain fruits or you do not practice proper oral hygiene, it could end up hurting your

Do you Have a Dental Emergency Kit?
05/18/16 6:50 PM

Most everyone has a first aid kit handy, especially if they have kids or are very active, but do you have a dental emergency kit? You might not think that this is an important thing to have when everything is just fine, but one dental emergency is enough to scare

Simple Ways to Avoid Canker Sores
05/4/16 9:36 PM

No one really knows the reason we get canker sores, but we can all agree that they are painful! Some say that they are due to stress; while others say injury to the mouth is the culprit. While we do not have a concrete reason why some people are more

The Importance of a Dental Baseline for your Child
04/27/16 7:21 PM

  If your child does not visit the dentist regularly, he does not have a baseline for the dentist to compare any changes that might occur in his mouth. This could prove to be detrimental to your child’s oral health, especially since a child’s mouth can change in a very

How When you Eat Affects your Dental Health
04/20/16 9:22 PM

If you focus on eating healthy foods, then you are on a good start to healthy teeth and gums. Avoiding sugar, high starch and sticky foods is one of the best things you can do to prevent tooth decay and even gum disease. But even if you are the healthiest

The Differences Between Porcelain Veneers and Crowns
04/13/16 7:11 PM

Porcelain veneers and dental crowns can restore many of the same issues with your teeth, so how do you know which one is right for you? Before you decide, it is important to learn the benefits of both and then weigh the options with us to help you decide the


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