Even with a consistent at-home oral health regimen, it is important for your long term dental health that you visit us for a hygiene appointment every six months for a maintenance cleaning and checkup. Visiting the dentist office can emit feelings of stress and anxiety for many people, for fear
When you are pregnant, dental care is probably the last thing on your mind. Yet, taking care of your dental health is especially important during pregnancy due to an increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Pregnant women are more susceptible to gum disease and tooth decay for
Your entire body needs you to remain hydrated, no matter how warm spring and summer months become. However, it can be a bit boring when all you drink is water all the time. While water is great for your body, and especially your teeth, it also lacks one important component
There are plenty of items that we know are bad for teeth. Between sugars, candies, and smoking, we can do a lot of damage to our teeth each day. However, it isn’t just items we eat or bad habits that can damage our teeth. What we drink can do a
In our society today, change is one of the few constants. Whether it’s changing jobs, moving into a new home, or changing the circles of friends we associate with, it seems like we change everything around us just as often as not. Yet, there are some advantages to keeping things
When you close your mouth your teeth should fit neatly together like the wheels of gears. If this does not occur, you can end up causing a number of serious problems. For this reason, if you have an uneven bite, we at Holman Family Dentistry would like to help you. Here
Dental implants are becoming the new standard in tooth replacement because they feel, fit, and function like natural teeth. They offer a long-term solution for people with tooth loss or chronic dental problems. The dental implants are artificial roots that give a permanent base for replacement teeth so they stay
Do you stand in front of the mirror and practice a smile that looks natural, yet hides your teeth? Do you prefer to avoid bright lights for fear that they will illumine flaws in your teeth? Do you wish that you had teeth that were whiter, straighter, or otherwise cosmetically
Ideally, your teeth should last you for a lifetime. With proper care, cleaning, and preventive maintenance, the teeth that you have as a teenager should be the same ones you have as a senior citizen. However, teeth do wear down as the years pass, and there are some things that
Choosing the right toothpaste can be difficult these days. One option that has become popular over the past few years is toothpaste containing baking soda. Some people prefer a healthier natural alternative to toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste has been linked to strengthening enamel, but some people prefer to
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